Markdown Cheat Sheet

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~~strike through~~

[link text](

> Quote text
***Johnny Author***

![image alt text](image url)
***Image caption, description***

Horizontal rule

Inline Code
`var name = "John Doe";`

Code block with syntax highlighting
``` codelanguage
function foo() {
  return bar;

Bulleted list
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Numbered list
1. item 1
2. item 2
3. item 3

Can you name these birds in Sanskrit?

Panchhi banoo udti phiroon mast gagan me, aaj main aazaad hoon duniyan ke chaman mein!

Birds have fascinated us since time immemorial. They have found a prize position in our sacred texts, fairy tales and pop culture.

Perhaps the reason for this obsession is that birds can do something that we humans have aspired to do for millenniums. They can fly and soar across the sky! 

Do you know that there are over 120 words for 'bird' in Sanskrit? Some of them are: pakṣī पक्षी,  khagaḥ खगः,  vihagaḥ विहगः, vihaṅgamaḥ  विहङ्गमः, śakuntaḥ शकुन्तः and aṃḍajaḥ अंडजः .

Today, let's learn the Sanskrit names of our aerial friends! 

Names of birds in Sanskrit

मीनरङ्कः mīnaraṅkaḥ kingfisher

हंसः haṃsaḥ duck

शल्कः śalkaḥ penguin

प्लवः plavaḥ waterfowl

नीलगिरि-पारावतः nīlagiri-pārāvataḥ blue rock pigeon

शङ्खचिल्लः śaṅkhacillaḥ brahmini kite

शार्ङ्गकः śārṅgakaḥ bee eater

वन-लटूषकः vana-laṭūṣakaḥ wood shrike

राजशुकः rājaśukaḥ Alexandrian parakeet

टुण्टुकः ṭuṇṭukaḥ tailor bird

पुत्रप्रियः putrapriyaḥ hoopoe

कारण्डवः kāraṇḍavaḥ coot

टिट्टिभकः ṭiṭṭibhakaḥ lapwing

 Here is a happy song 'पंछी बनूँ उड़ती फिरू मस्त गगन मे  Panchhi Banoo Udti Phiroon' (I turn into a bird and fly everyhwere) from a 1956 film, Chori Chori.


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